Last post of the day! ...I'm pretty sure.. :P
Alright, this baking experience is a little bit different for the others. Like many others, I am wanting to thin down a bit, so I have been eating less and working out more. It has been working, but it doesn't seem to be very healthy. I eat things that tell me how many calories are in it, to be easy and fast for my busy life. Although I lose weight alright, I don't feel healthy, and the things I eat are not that healthy, even though they try to tell you it is. My plan is to start making my own snacks, although they may have more than 90 calories a serving, they are healthier and I have to work for it! If I want something, I have to take the time to make it, and if not, then all the better, because it means I wasn't that hungry to begin with!
Banana Muffins with Mini Chocolate Chips on Top! |
Of course I have plenty of cookbooks, and luckily many of them are for recipes that have been changed with healthier ingredients, so I am going to start using them more! Since I cook only for myself, these meals will last me a very long time! Today I made homemade sloppy joes, and have plenty for the rest of the week, if not more!
I know you're wondering, wait this is a baking blog, this isn't baking, this is diet, health food blah, blah, blah... Well, I also need to have some snacks through out the week! Can't always be eating sandwiches! So I baked me up some Banana chocolate chip muffins! They are easy, yummy, healthy, and low in calories and fat! :D
Grab and Go Muffins! |
Since I am on the run all of the time, I need a way to grab food quickly to go to school, or work (when I get another job) To help me with that and not leave me hungry, I wrapped them individually for a quick grab! I'm really excited to see how this works! I'm tired of counting calories and ready to be healthier, and hopefully the weight with come off because of it!