Tuesday, August 30, 2011

To Design for Cupcakes

Hello All!
As you may know I have recently started back into school and that means the projects begin.  Don't worry though!  My first project is not going to be so bad!  Yes, I am doing a project about cupcakes!  More importantly about how I can find a solution to ship cupcakes through the mail without them getting destroyed (by melting, shaken up, etc.) and at a lower cost.  I found someone who tried to send their cupcakes through the mail, it worked, but cost them $150! Just for shipping, not for the supplies to actually ship them!   That is not right, I will fix this... I have decided, shipping food will change after I am done with this project... i hope :P

We don't want this anymore!!
Now it comes to my lovely readers, do any of you have any ideas on how to make this possible?  Do you know anyone who tries to send them, and have found something that works for them?  It doesn't have to be about shipping cupcakes either, how do you send food so that it does not get ruined in the process?

Well I must be off to do some more research elsewhere, yes part of this research will have me baking cupcakes and sending them (as long as funds can afford it)!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Away from my Loves

Me and Justin on his graduation day! 
I have been asked to post once again...  This one will be different, because it is not about baking.  I am forced to be away from that love at the moment, because of some housing arrangements, not going the way I have planned...   Sadly I have no idea when I will be baking again, and I even got some new awesome cookbooks to use Thanks to my Aunt Denise!! :D

Guess I will catch you up on the past few weeks.  I ventured out to San Diego California to see Justin graduate from Marine Bootcamp!! It was wonderful and I am so proud of all that he is doing right now!  His ten days of leave have come and gone.  That was the best ten days of my Summer vacation though!  Now I'm back in class, learning some things and getting for life after college!

So as you can see I am away from my loves and hope to be rejoined with them soon!  Hope all is well with everyone else as well! :D   At least I know I will be baking in about a month for my Katie's baby shower!! :D